Sunday, March 9, 2008

Jiang Zemin-d Not Where It Once Was

Mr. Jin Zhong, chief-editor of Hong Kong's Open magazine confirmed Jiang Zemin is sick and has lost control over one side of his face. He also suffers from dementia due to Parkinson's, Jin said his information are from reliable sources.

"The Chinese communist regime always hides the illness but not the death. The obituaries are normally made public within one day. They hide details of illness mainly for the purpose of maintaining power. So [these former leaders] are ill, but not necessarily dead, and not necessarily incurable; but it could also be a long-term illness. If a political figure's illness is announced, his opponents are most likely to take advantage of his sickness and give him a fatal blow while he is weak." Jin continued.
The same old Hong Kong with a different meaning since Jin's been Zhong.

[Epoch Times]

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