Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Elizabeth Edwards Still Battling Cancer in New Hampshire

It doesn't look like husband, John, is doing particularly well in the polls. But what the people really want to know is: How is Elizabeth Edwards doing?

"She's doing really well now. She's really improving," daughter Cate Edwards said.

She first underwent treatment for breast cancer after the 2004 campaign, and she sometimes looks tired, but she is an electric, even frenetic, speaker while battling a treatable, but incurable, return of the disease. While Elizabeth Edwards was at a town hall with with her husband in Portsmouth, a woman asked about rumors that her health is deteriorating.

"We monitor her health very closely...Elizabeth is doing great. She feels great and she's very healthy," her husband said confidently. "You tell anybody circulating those rumors that they're not true."
And we know already how important the health of the candidates' spouses are to the election season. We here at BDPE support Edwards. Which one, we can't say. Our vote is ours and ours alone.

[NY Daily News]

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